Saturday, February 16, 2008

Weird Years

Last year I had worked as an animator on this here show "Weird Years". This was me getting my feet wet in the animation program Harmony, and the flash experience I had already, sure made the transition to the new program much easier. I worked on the show for about 8 months before jumping over to design on Gerald Mcboing Boing season 2.


Dan said...


Jamal O said...

Awesome, Great application of traditional principles to flash kyle.

kelly erwin said...

nice work there guy,
I love the one with the guy sliding down the banister. And you were right, knowing flash made the transition easier!
And doo post your gerald stuff, I really wanna see it!

Mukpuddy said...

Nice work dude!!

Chris Wieme said...

What can I say buddy, I always liked your work with Zozo. Can't wait to see your film either. By the way I'm starting to post again too, and would love to hear what you have to say. Take care man.

Sebastian Barreiro said...

Nice style, beautiful work!!
And i´m happy to see people working in the Richard Scarry charcather´s! Is a great artist!!!

S.T. Lewis said...

I love the old dancing lady. Great stuff, man.

Darryl Bisson said...

Its been a while since I've seen flash animation that good. Well done!

Erika Worthylake said...

Fantastic! It's great to see shows like Weird Years on TV!