Sunday, April 13, 2008


I figure I can be showing some of my character work on Jimmy 2 Shoes that never made the final cut. Here are a few attempts at a barber for one of the episodes. I'll start posting some more duds soon.


Dan said...

Nice dude! These are hilarious, great range with them, I like the last one best.

Jeff Merritt said...

cool work kyle, really like your animation sequences, for your film too.

RoB said...

So inspirational! Great post!~


Jason Miskimins said...

Great characters!

louis THOMAS said...

thanks for comment kyle!
your work is just amazing, your characters look great!very inspiring...
see you

Anonymous said...

I like these.
classic stock characters
(in a good way)

Kei Acedera said...

These are hilarious designs!

Oliver Kurth said...

Great barbershop quartet, very funny!

Justin said...

Great designs Kyle! Really dig them all. Very diverse.

Deadly Sweet said...

these designs are simply amazing, I love them!

Last one has my vote.

David Germain said...

Hey, Kyle, just a head's up, John K. has posted this barber picture of yours on his blog. He hasn't said anything about liking them or hating them yet.

But, whatever he says, I think they're just dandy. You've got the skills, man. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.