I'm happy to announce, Captain Cudney's festival campaigns will be kicking off at the Ottawa International Animation Festival in September. So if you happen to be attending the festival this year, drop by and say hi, and make sure to check out "Triumphant Campaigns of Captain Cudney"
I'm hoping to have a trailer done soon....time hasn't been my friend lately.
triple frick thats awesome!
it looks so awesome! congrats!
looking forward to the trailer, looks awesome!
Very cool. Can't wait to see it.
I'm looking forward to the trailer too! Keep it coming!
really cool work man!
Congrats Kyle! Can't wait to see this.
Hope to see it!
Looks Great, Love the design, cant wait to see it!
Congrats Kyle!
I know I won't get to Ottawa to see it, but hopefully I'll get to see it somehow. :)
Hi Kyle! Awesome work. I'm with Midweek, a weekly current affairs radio show in Ottawa, and I was wondering if you might meet me to talk about your entry in the festival. I'm not sure how frequently you check this, but I can be reached at csymons@connect.carleton.ca and I'd really love to hear from you. Thanks, and good luck!
good job mr. marshall!
Hope you had a blast in europe!
DUDE!@ where can I see the whole thing? This is just the trailer right??? Looks wicked man, this is awesome, I'd love to work on something like this!
looks really awesome, from the trailer and other designs you have posted. ...just a side question are you using photoshop to do your clean up work on your character designs that you have previously posted?
Awesome work Kyle - the trailer looks great!
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