I worked as the Lead Character Designer....and was also able to do one of the boards, and about 40 of the title cards. Along with the rest of the crew, I poured a lot of blood, sweat and tears into this here project, and am pretty damn proud of it......so don't go dancing, or shuffleboarding, or whatever you do on regular Friday nights, cause your getting up real early Saturday mourn, of the 21st! Sean Scott' created another dandy..
Here is the site over at Teletoon......and if you have an extra minute go checkout 'clip 4'......( i did the board for the clip)
Congrats man! Another cool notch to add to your belt. Can't wait to see it!
"Jimmy Two-Shoes" has already premiered in the United States and I'm loving it. Hopefully there will be a second season.
Right on, buddy boy. Looks like i gotta cancel shuffleboard but I'm sure the boys down at the yacht club will understand...those rich bastards.
Sweet dude! Can't wait!
Looks pretty sweet Kyle and your clip was awsome! Way to go!! Congratulations.
I'm normally too timid to comment on your site, but this is too much. Kyle, way to go! That is really really awesome.
hey guy,
I got to see the preview on drawn or cold hard flash, and gotta say it looked pretty awesome. i'll look forward to gett'n up in the am to check it out.
Looks good...I wish I had Teletoon so that I could see it. Who the hell has a kid but doesn't order the cartoon channels on the satellite(land lady). I think that's the cruelest thing a parent could do...
you suck marshall....actually please give yourself some credit....Kyle was part of storyboard meetings as well as boarding a short and a full episode which is jampacked with goodness.
He also brought a permanent 5'o'clock shadow and gin breath to the project as often as possible....xoxoxoxoxox
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